
Showing posts from November, 2021

Learnings of the Day - 29th November 2021

   Learning Takeaways from today's MRM 1) The purpose of Life is so simple: To work on yourself. To progress everyday. To help others. To spread Love and Happiness. 2) Every Human Being is going through struggle.  HOW YOU REACT or RESPOND TO IT is more important. 3) Please avoid all the distractions. You have lots of Potential. You are Unique. 4) Don't complain and Don't compare. If you use lot of negative words, it will impact Your Life. 5) More you become strong in inner self,  Whatever you say to yourself it impacts on outer side. 6) Visit Old age Homes, children Homes, Visually challenged Homes and spend time with them.

Memories of MRM Learnings - Episode 2 - Prayer

Welcome to MRM Learnings - Episode 2 MRM - Morning Ritual Miracles - Rock Your mornings with powerful rituals to boost yourself and productivity. Gratitude to Great Mentor Amol Karale Sir for his valuable lessons. Global Prayer: Pray to God and Pray to Universe  to give a Lot of Strength, Abundance, Wisdom, Creativity, Great Health, Success  to all the Farmers, to all the Doctors to all the Soldiers Our Indian Army, We all are Safe and Secure because of them.  Thank You. Thank You. Thank You. Pray to God and Pray to Universe  to give a Lot of Strength, Abundance, Wisdom, Creativity, Great Health, Success  to your Parents, Your Mom and Your Dad. Whatever we all are today., Its all because of them. Take Their blessings, Send them your Love. Say I love you Mom, I love you Dad and then Thank You. Thank You. Thank You. Pray to God and Pray to Universe  to give a Lot of Strength, Abundance, Wisdom, Creativity, Great Health, Success  to each and every Family Member, Your brother, your sister,

Memories of MRM Learnings - Episode 1 - Silence Meditation

Welcome to MRM Learnings - Episode 1  MRM - Morning Ritual Miracles - Rock Your mornings with powerful rituals to boost yourself and productivity. Will be sharing all the learnings from the Morning Ritual Miracles given by our Great Mentor Amol Karale Sir. Praying to God and Universe to bless all the readers of this blog. Our MRM always starts with Silence. We start our day with smile and Focus on the breathing. Exercise:  Inhale Deeply from the Nose,  Hold your breath for few seconds. Exhale deeply through your Mouth and then Relax for few second.  Practice this breathing exercise as soon as you wake up,  Fresh up and then Smile. Smile is one of the Best Technique which can heal you. Say  Thank You So much God and Thank You so much Universe for giving you a New Day, New Life and New Breathe.