Memories of MRM Learnings - Episode 1 - Silence Meditation

Welcome to MRM Learnings - Episode 1 

MRM - Morning Ritual Miracles - Rock Your mornings with powerful rituals to boost yourself and productivity.

Will be sharing all the learnings from the Morning Ritual Miracles given by our Great Mentor Amol Karale Sir.

Praying to God and Universe to bless all the readers of this blog.

Our MRM always starts with Silence.

We start our day with smile and Focus on the breathing.


Inhale Deeply from the Nose, 

Hold your breath for few seconds.

Exhale deeply through your Mouth and then Relax for few second. 

Practice this breathing exercise as soon as you wake up, 

Fresh up and then Smile.

Smile is one of the Best Technique which can heal you.


Thank You So much God and Thank You so much Universe

for giving you a New Day, New Life and New Breathe.


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