Learning from MRM - Day 23 of 90 Days MRM challenge - Laughter Therapy

Learning from motivation video
No matter whatever you fill in the jar
Still there is a chance you can fill more
Learning from Affirmations Video

Pray to God and Universe to give lot of strength, abundance, 
Health, wisdom, and success 
to Second GOD - Your Parents (Mom and Dad), 
Sweet Family, Teachers, Mentors, Gurus, Yourself. 
Commit to God and Commit to Universe 
that you are going to 100% Responsibility of all your actions.

Thank You So much God and Universe for giving me 
new day, New Life, and New Birth.
Be grateful for all the things in your Life.
Be Grateful for your Parents (to Your Mom and To Your dad)
Whatever we all are today its all because of them.
Remember your mom carried you 9 months in her womb. 
She has gone through all the struggles and sacrifices to make you happy.
Remember your dad worked so hard 12 - 14 Hours to build happy family.
Send them Your Love and send them your blessings.
Recollect all the  things that you are grateful for and 
write it down in your gratitude journal.

Difference between Pleasure and Happiness

Pleasure - Temporary Happiness received when you do what you like.
Happiness -  A State of Mind received 
when you do what you deserve 
or when you do what good for you .
Pleasure - Awards/Recognitions
Happiness - Skills that you learn  and wisdom that you earn.

What is Happiness in your terms? 
Discuss in the Break out Room and share your views.
Happiness is in different flavors
Keshav - Singing, Playing, Painting, Cooking
Vivek - Travelling, Family, 
Swarup - Nature, Family, Book Reading
Poonam - music, helping people, social service
Akhil - serving Nature, transforming lives.
Partha - Happiness comes from inside.

Laughter Therapy - Dr. Chetna
Say to yourself,

I Promise to Laugh Everyday.
Voluntary Laugh or Involuntary Laugh.
Any way its useful.
Laughing is a natural pain killer.
Let us feel Happiness comes from inside.
Be your own Buddha.

Practice laughing in different forms
Say Oh oH, Ha ha ha. 
Very good very good Yeah. Ha ha ha.
for upper lobe,  Breath in and laugh with ha ha ha.
for middle lobe,  Namaskar  go up and release with ha ha ha.
for lower lobe,  fist strong and release fist with ha ha ha.
Do Bastrika with Laughter.
brahmari - humming sound - Index with thumb.
Bending Forward, backward, rotate and tap your body, Ha ha ha.
Pat your back, Rotate Neck  and smile, Ha ha ha.
touch Tongue with Nose, ha ha ha.
Imagine your loved one is on the sky, Kiss the roof., Ha ha ha
Make lassi and repeat laugh, Ha ha ha.
See the Credit card bill huge, Smile Ha ha ha.
Scooter starter laughter travel over the world, Ha ha ha.
Playfull Laugh - Ha Ha ha.
Become Child everyday.
Group Laughter
Shake your body and 
relax your body with intentions
breath in and breathe out
take your journey of awareness of body from top of the head to tip of toes.

Aware of Your thoughts
I am peaceful 
I am loveful 
I am joyful 
I am blissful soul
Take your attention to heart
View beautiful green energy and 
spread your love to each and every part of your body

Your Heart is your best friend
I Love you my heart
Feel Happy
Each and every cell of your body is feeling the happiness
Rub your hand and generate Heat
put heat on your face and feel relaxed.
Rewire our Brain with this laughter therapy.

Feel Happy no matter what.
Keep hands on heart and say AAL IZZ WEEL
I am happy, I am healthy, Nothing will happen to me
Harness the positivity before the negativity arises in you
Natural Healing mechanism works wonders.
Life is full of challenges but we have to 
be happy using Smiling technique

Every Child Laughs - 400 & 500 times
where as Young adult laughs - 4 to 5 times.
So its important to laugh all the times.

Thank You So Much Dr. Chetna Madam
for teaching wonderful Laughter therapy 
and making us to smile like a child.


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