Amol Sir Lessons - 23rd June, 2021

Does money is only the way to live fulfilled & happy life?

I failed in all my initial 3 startups because I started all my startups with the wrong intentions 

My intention was just to make money and to compete with others 

I was chasing money and money was ignoring me 

I had a mediocre mindset where I will always try to save money

Till 2018,

I never paid my taxes on time 

I never invested in my personal development 

I never purchase a single book

I was always looking for free stuff 

I never did any charity 

I would always think money is difficult to earn

Whenever I will take my family to a restaurant, I would always check the price first and then order 

There was always a fight in my family for money 

I always assumed that money is the root cause of all my problems 

But from 2018, when I started transforming my life, I realized 

Money is a byproduct 

The more you add value and help other people to achieve their goals amd dreams the more money would make 

My new venture is just about giving value, serving, and helping others to become the. the best version of themselves which I call Version 2.0

I am in this business for 2 years and by God's Grace, I have never struggled for money

Money has started flowing in life  in abundance 

The good thing is, my family's mindset had completely changed. There are no more fights at my home for money

What more you want in life if your family has started living a happy and abundance live 

So, here is my message to everyone 

1) Money is a BYPRODUCT 
2) Replace the word MONEY WITH VALUE
3) The MORE VALUE you add to the universe, the more money you will make 
4) Do invest in your PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT 
5) Your FAMILY is the BIGGEST ASSET, do spend time with them
6) CHANGE YOURSELF FIRST, the moment you change, it becomes easy to change the mindset of all your family members 
7) PAY your TAXES on time 


Amol Version 2.0


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