Learnings from MRM - 29th April, 2021

Learning Takeaways from Today's MRM Session

1) If you don't take actions, you will be broke.

2) Pray to God and Universe for all the Amazing Legends who serve our Nation ( Doctors, Soldiers, Farmers, Parents, Siblings, soulmate or life Partner, at last Yourself)
The More you pray for others the more Blessings you receive from God and Universe.

We are planning for Charity as part of community. Will share the details soon.

3) Positive Words experienced in Today Session
confident, Josh, Shaken, Amazing, Fab, Afresh, Jakkas, Blissful, Dazzling, Dilkhush, Pleasant, Recharged, Happy, Loving, Winning, Electrified, Feel Good, Full of Energy

4) Learning from Think and Grow Rich Sharing

Have a Definitiness of Purpose
BURNING 🔥 Desire
6 steps of making your dream to reality
1) Fix Target amount of money
2) what is your Return for Money
3) Fix a Deadline
4) Create a Plan for Goal
5) Write a concise statement and Read it Aloud again and again atleast twice a Day
6) Believe Yourself that you already have acheived your target 🎯
Like we do in our Visualization.
Success comes 2 times first in mind and then in reality 

FAITH multiplied with Desire will give you Success.
How to have FAITH? by doing Affirmations and Visualisation.

Learn from all the Legend people
Mahatma Gandhi, Thomas Alwa Edison, Arjuna in Bhagavat Geeta, a small kid Blair who transformed his disability to Success
 and all the people mentioned in the 2chapters.

5) Next Thursday we will be completing two chapters from the same book 
Think 🤔 and Grow Rich 💰

Auto Suggestion
Specialized Knowledge

6) Have a Self Talk to yourself
And you must learn Public Speaking Skills. The moment you share the skills to the others you will recieve More wisdom and More Blessings.

7) Acquire High Income Skills
 Sales, Copy  writing, Videos making.
Stay Safe and Be Healthy.

Thank You so much Amol Sir and MRM Family Members for showering your commitment and Dedication towards MRM. 
To know more about Amol Sir, Click Here


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