Learnings from MRM - 24th July, 2021

No matter how much it hurts now looking back at your past you will realise struggles changed you for the better.

This was the theme of my mentee Satish Chandra  life story today in our MRM Saturday story telling time.

He was proud to narrate  his struggles to withhold his ambition to rise to a respectable position in the society even as he faced the ugly side of poverty in his early childhood.

Nevertheless he kept his spirit high and struggled hard to achieve what he is today.

The best part of his life story that was so inspiring was one that I have always insisted that my mentees follow which is to invest in yourself for growth.

Though Satish struggled financially he invested heavily on buying books because of his  burning desire to succeed in life at any cost is evident in the results that he has achieved in life

He is awaiting the publication of his own book next month 

It will be another proud  moment for him ,Me and all of my  MRM family as  Satish addresses the Asia Pacific Rail Conference in Sept 2021.

His struggles has not made him lose his love for his fellow beings who he keeps helping to achieve greater heights and enjoy the taste of success just as he did.

How can any failures ever touch a heart so pure and selfless.

Sky is  the limit for you Satish

Keep your dreams soaring high
To know more about Amol Sir, Click Here


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