Life Lessons from Amol Sir - 20th August, 2021

Q1. What is the confusion about?
Q2. Where is the confusion
Q3. What is it’s size?
Q4. What is it’s weight?
Q5. What is it’s colour?
Q6. What are its moods?
Q7. What is it’s duration, how long has it been there?
Q8. What are it’s intentions?
Q9. Are there any control or command phrases its telling you?
Q.10 What about it must not be experienced?

Take a deep breath, inhale from your nose, exhale from your mouth.
Again, take a deep breath, inhale from your nose, exhale from your mouth.
Now think all the beautiful, good, positive moments, think about your achievements and love 
moments that happened in your life.

 Feel it and release all confusion into free life.
Q.11 Permit it with love, fully experience it, and release into a free life force.
Request your subconscious mind to help you, to give you answers. 
What is the most important thing that comes from your heart?

 12) What is the problem that you have 
solved for yourself that you can solve for others?
What is the mess you have gone through? 
How can you convert this mess into a message and give 
that message to the world?
Now, imagine why will people thank you? Imagine your parents, relatives, friends are proud of you.
Feel that the subconscious mind has given you all the answers.


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