Learnings from the MRM - 21st April 2021

Learning Takeaways from Today's MRM Session
1) Pray to God and Universe for giving strength to all families who are going on with their tough time due to this Covid-19 pandemic time.

2) Learning from Fearless motivation.

*Hemlata Sharma*
keep on trying, don't stop
plant seed-believe-get

*Rita Lalan*
No one can stop you to change yourself

*Chetna* - Never stop

*Srikanth* - no pain no gain 

*Sarthak Arora* - Unstoppable
Push and move forward9

*Nini nanda*

*Jitendra Tyagi*

*Rajes Pramanik*
there is no one who can stop you

*Ritu Bhardwaj*
keep trying continously, Noone can stop you

3) We are working on Internal. The more we Grow internal, the more we become stronger.

4) Be Thankful To God and Universe for New Day, New Life, for all the things that we have in our life. Shelter, Food to eat, Bed to Sleep, 

5) Complete DOTFS at any cost and feel proud of yourself before you sleep.

6) Try to complete first chapter of Think and Grow Rich first chapter - DESIRE. 

7) Tomorrow MRM might extended upto 6:45-7am
All team will be sent to Breakout Rooms to share their Learnings from Think and Grow Rich first chapter.

8) Be grateful that you have beautiful Body and lovely family members.

Pray to God and Universe to bless all Families with the abundance, love , Health, healing, Wisdom, power, creativity 

Plan your Time Table similar to this

4:40 - Wake up time and get ready for MRM. (Face wash, setting Books)
5-7 :- MRM
7-7:30 - Book Reading
7:30 - 8 - walking (Listening Strangest Secret)
8-9 - getting ready for office work
9-10 - office work planning and slot 1
10-12 - office/Home work. 
12-1 - Revise Work done in first half and fill it out any missed work
1- 2 - Lunch + affirmations+incantations
2-5pm - office work slot 2
5-6pm - revision of office work or  🏠 work of slot 2
6-8pm - walking or exercise or games
8-9pm - Dinner, spend family time
9-10pm - Book reading, Self Introspection
10-10:30 pm - Incantations+ Meditation.
10:30 - Going to Bed

Thank You so much Amol Sir 
for all your Efforts to energize us in early morning.
To know more about Amol Sir, Click Here


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