Learnings from MRM - 28th April 2021

Learning Takeaways from Today's MRM Session

1) Have Water in the early morning and Visualize a sip of Water is healing all Your Negative Emotions.

2) Energy Boosting Exercise Challenge
25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 200 Jumping Jack's with Visualization in between.

Amazing Morning DJ Medley
Dance Exercises

3) Learning from Fearless motivation

LIVE like a Lion

Take πŸ’―% Responsibility and Take Ownership
Live for purpose, Have Certainty
Never Give Up, Stick to Goals and Values
Feel the Freedom and Protective

4) ALL Positive Words experienced in Today Session

Charged, Peak, Cherishing, Roaring, Energetic, awesome, incredible, electric, determined, elevated, Focused, cheerful, calm, passionate, Happy, lovely, fearless, blessed, Achiever, vibrant Energy, Peaceful , wonderful, Wow, great, enlightened, Confident, Abundance, addictive.

5) Feel as if today is your Last day 
And You must do Your DOTFS (Do one thing for sure) at any cost.

Do with Certainty while doing Incantations and powerful Belief Installation.

Visualize a Target Money Number and Achieve.

6) When ever your Mood is Karab or Bad enough 
Go for private room, use 5 seconds Rule (Take a Deep Breath, Listen To Powerful Music, MRM techniques And change your state of Mind)

7) Write down all the Beautiful Moments of your Life in Self Love Letter πŸ’Œ
Have a Self Talk 
(use Affirmative statements)

I am Born to Win.
I make My parents and my kids proud of me.
I am a powerful Public Speaker.
I am committed to complete my DotFS and Goals.
I am bound to become Mult-time Billionaire.
I chase Dreams.
I am Unique, I AM fearless and Powerful.

8) Visualize each and Everything

Thank You so much God and Universe for all the things that I have in my life.

Home, Food, Job, πŸ’° Money, Car, 
Compare your life with a Beggar who struggle hard with his daily necessities.

Remember the beautiful Moments of your childhood struggles, College Time struggles and Career Challenges. 

9) Feel that there are no more Fights in your Home and each and every corner of your Home/Workplace is Filled with Positivity.

Tomorrow we will have Breakout Rooms for first two chapters.

Desire and Faith from the Book
πŸ€” Think and Grow RichπŸ’°
Revise it again and get prepared to share your Learning and experiences.

Thank You so much Amol Sir for Transforming us from the sheep 🐏 Mindset to 🦁 Legendary Lion Mindset.


For Those who missed the session

Focus on personal growth especially Mindset and skills

This pandemic might go ahead for 2-3 years. If you stay back with conformity you will broke.

Skip dinner or sleep if you miss DotFS.

5 Books for Self Development
1) Eat Tht Frog - Brian Tracy
2) Start With Why - Simon Sinek
3) Rich Dad Poor Dad
- Robert Kiyosaki
4) The Magic of Failure
- Amol Karale
5) High Performance Habits

Develop your reading habit by Completing atleast a book for month.

Leaders are Readers.

Thank You Amol Sir for Your Commitment on Completing Your DOTFS.
To know more about Amol Sir, Click Here


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