Learnings from Book Reading - 14th May, 2021 - Debanjan

Dear MRM friends.

After today's MRM I was inspired by Amol's teaching about why we should be grateful.

Almost all of us have this habit of comparing ourselves with others.

We tend to think that we are always worse off than others.

If this becomes a habit then it destroys our confidence and self-image in long term.

So we need to learn about being grateful.

I found this 10-item checklist from Internet by famous journalist V. Kodapally.

If you follow this checklist then surely you can improve your gratitude.

1. Do you have a roof over your head ? (remember so many in this country do not have this)

2. Did you eat today ? (again so many of us in this country do not have this faciity)

3. Do you have a good heart ? (having a good heart not only means you are having a healthy heart it also means whether you are generous and kind)

4. Do you wish good for others ? (so many of us are used to jealousy and hatred that this aspect is alien to us)

5. Do you drink clean water regularly ?(again so many in this country do not have this)

6. Does someone care for you ?(so many of rich die alone with frustration that no one cares whether they live or die) 

7. Do you strive to be better?(without this you can never continue in MRM) 

8. Do you wear clean clothes regularly?(remember so many in this country cannot afford this) 

9. Do you have a dream?(without this you lose the will to live) 

10.Are you able to breathe clean air regularly?
(this is probably the most relevant aspect today as India is one of the most polluted in the World plus the fear of COVID) 

Kindly regularly (may be monthly) check all these 10 items.

If you fulfill this regularly you can overcome the problem of lack of gratitude surely.

Today is Eid and since this was a month of contribution I thought I should contribute something of value to my MRM family.

I hope it helps you all to live better.

Thank you



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