Learnings from MRM - 13th May 2021

Learning Takeaways from Today's MRM Session

1) Learning from Fearless motivation
- find the way even when there is not a way and make it happen.
- Don't have doubts.
- I will persevere, I will win.
- Have Burning desire.
- Learn and Implement of decision, dedication., commitment., 
- work Hard

2) Write down your own definition of Success

7 stages of development
Survival , Conforming, differentiating, individuating, self actualising, integrating, Serving

3) Prayer - pray to God and Universe
For your Parents, well-wishers, yourself to achieve all the goals and desires

Silence - Observe your Breathe.

4) Progressive Exercise Challenge
50 + 75+ 100+ 175+ 200

15 mins Dance -

 I am the Legend, Love You Zindagi

Have Self Talk
I am Born to Win
I make 1lakh or 2 lakh by the date and time
I can do wonders in my Life.

Visualize all the small wins and big wins in your Life.

Write a self Love ❤️ letter 💌 with full of Emotions and feelings

You are talented, you are future leader.

5) Think and Grow Rich
By Napolean Hill
 5 chapters Sharings

Thank You Naseema for your Short and Sweet Learnings

1) start with a burning desire 
add emotions n feelings to it. 
2) affirm it with faith so that it reaches the infinite intelligence .
3) develop faith by auto suggestion . 
4) now acquire specialized knowledge to give in return to the desire.
5) now start imagining and visualize it. 
It's now yours... no doubt...

Thank You Sanchita, Bhavika, Dr. shimali for your Sharings from the 5 chapters

For next week read 6 th chapter 

Organized Planning

6) 10 mins Meditation - to improve laser Focus

7) Gratitude

Be grateful and thankful to all the things that you have in your Life.
Family, being alive, Perfect Health, smiling, Energetic, fit, struggles, Failures, challenge

Be Grateful for all the Great moments in your Life (Small wins and Big wins) from your Birth to Till Date.

Life is like an ECG, Ups and Downs Both are Important.
Don't worry about Your Failures.

Thank You so much God
Thank You So Much Universe

Don't have any Feelings of Hatred.
Stop complaining.

Visualize all your family members holding hands each other and sharing love to each other.

8) upcoming MRM event's
Story telling by 
Dipak Patil and Bhavika

Sunday 11AM:
Speed Book Reading Session

Thank You So Much Amol Sir For guiding us in the Path of Achieving Goals (Desire to Organized Planning)
To know more about Amol Sir, Click Here


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