Learnings from MRM - 18th May, 2021

Learning Takeaways From Today's MRM Session

1) Will come forward for Humanity 

For Rythm Heart Foundation - To serve the Real Corona warriors 
(Rs. 200/-)
For more Details, Contact Bhavna Madam.

After Completion of Think & Grow Rich,
We will start with "Anthony Robbins Awaken the Giant Within."

Learning from Fearless Motivation

the Person who is earning $2,50,000 A year 
is most often not working harder 
than the person who is earning $25,000 a Year

Standards Govern Your Life (Health, Relationships, Wealth)
Raise the bar of your beliefs and Your Standards.
Are You Commited to raise your BELIEFs and STANDARDS?

Plan Your Monthly Goal, DOTFW, DOTFS, Time Table
have family time, take naps whenever necessary. 
(Our body needs rest, don't be too harsh on it)

2) Global Prayer for Family Members Peace

Pray to God and Universe to give lot of strength, health, abundance, 
wisdom, power, creativity, Happiness and Success 
to all the Corona Warriors 
(Farmers, Doctors, Soldiers, Parents, Relatives and Yourself)

Pray for Dr. JP and Pooja singhal husband for their fast recovery.

Progressive Exercise Challenge 
- Boost Yourself with Energy and a sense of small wins to big wins
25 + 50 + 75 + 100 + 200

The more energetic you are,
it will reflect in your results

3) Affirmation - Feel the Intensity.
I am Unafraid.
I am Fearless and Powerful.

Have A Self Talk

I am looking Handsome
I am so Good
I am born to win
I will become mult time billionaire
I will help needy people
I have Huge Potential

4) Powerful Belief Installation - Do with Emotions

Failure is never final. 
I always carry the power to transform any situation.

Incantations - Do with Certainity

Money flows in My Life like a River, Rains on me like a Waterfall.
I Love Money and Money Loves Me.

5) All Positive Words of the Day:
Terrific, Cool, ENERGETIC,electrifying,
awesome, emphatic, josh, joyful,
oxygenated, fabulous, nirvaana,
ecstatic, peaceful, bliss, ENERGY BAR,

6) Assignment of the Day
Write down all the positive adjectives that fit into meaning of your name


Lovely Human Being

Visualize Your Month Goal as already achieved, 
and how would you celebrate with your family?

Imagine you have a dream Home with you, or a dream car with you,
How would you feel?

8) Gratitude

Vikas daughter showered Thank You to Amol Sir
for boosting confidence and
through powerful affirmations she started learning bycycle.

Thank You So Much God 
Thank You So Much Universe
For New Life, Beautiful Parents, Relatives,
Friends, Colleagues, Job, Salary, Health,
Mentors, Gurus, Teachers, Clients.

Thank You So much Amol Sir 
for impacting lives with positivity.
To know more about Amol Sir, Click Here


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