Learnings from MRM - Day 10 of 90 Days Challenge - Be Grateful and Play Pause

Learning from the Motivation Video

One thing which is common in 
Bill Gates and Warren Buffett is FOCUS or SELF-DISCIPLINE.
Einstein - I just Stick with the problem longer.
6 Habits to start your day with
1) Preplanned Night - Alarm, 
2) Exercise, Breathing. Nature walking 
- think about one and only top 1 Priority, 
3) Gratitude - Be grateful that you have all the things, 
4) Morning drinking warm water or Lemon water, 
5) Early morning - Cold water bath, 
6) reading books/audiobooks, 
3 Barriers to break them and move ahead.
1) Watching Mobile as you wake up, 
2) 60 seconds to stable up the bed, 
3) Long to do list which are irrelevant activities
instead Focus on One to do or to be item.
3 Hacks to have beautiful morning.
1) Education Podcasts - Google podcasts/Spottify, 
2) Write few pages even before breakfast
3) Writing Dairy before going to bed.

Smile and feel lucky to be alive.
Chant Gayatri mantra 3 times for overall strength.

Be thankful for all the things in your life.
Don't forget to call one person in your life and 
wish him/her Happy new year on this upcoming new year.

Mirror Affirmations
I am the greatest. I am freaking awesome.
I am fearless and powerful. Have a positive self talk.

Do 100 JJ + 200 Jumping Jacks and Boost Energy

Dance like a Mad

What are 3 things that you want in your life?
What tasks make you forget your time?
What if you do not achieve your top 3 goals in the next year?
what are 3 characters of yourself that you are proud of?
What are the 3 achievements of this year?
What are the sacrifices that you are willing to do to achieve this goals?
What are the 3 places to visit in the next year 2022?
Write a small Love letter to yourself appreciating your character traits.

Create your Bucket List
Learning from the Amol Sir
The Magic of Failure - Page 152
I Express Myself - Sometimes it's not enough 
to simply keep your gratitude to yourself.
I increase my feelings of gratitude by expressing that
same gratitude to the people I care about.

Play Pause - Partha Pratim Pal
PAUSE - The gap between stimulus and the reaction 
which enhances your Mindfulness and Awareness.
wait for some time before you react.
You are your Master, Do YOUR Routine.
Breathe in,  Hold your Breath for few seconds and Breathe out.
Recollect the silence we do in MRM.
chewing 32 times  causes grinding of foods,
mixing with saliva, proper digestion 
and good  digestive system and results in good  health ultimately.
we create emotions, emotions become us. all is internal, nothing is external
The oldest spiritual book Mandakopanishat says
3 types of experiences: Wake up, Sleep, Dream Experiences.
Improve the Listening skills by practicing with pause.
4 Types of Listening: No Listening, Selective Listening, Full Listening and
the fourth and the Biggest enemy is Pretend to be listening.

Powerful Belief Installation
Past does not equals to future
Miraculous changes are happening in my life 
with GOD's priceless blessings.

See yourself acquiring new skills and 
practicing all over the year and 
you made some good progress in it.
How do you talk, walk and behave after you learn it
See yourself in version 2.0, your Healthy body, 
going to holiday with your whole family, 
celebrating, spending good time, 
sharing, talking, playing, eating together. 
See the smiles & Happy faces together.
Feel the money is falling unto you from the God's Grace.

Respect the Country

Thank You So much Dr. JP Sir and Partha 
for your valuable Visualization, sharing your thoughts 
on play pause - improving listening skills, awareness.


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