Learnings from MRM - Day 27 of 90 Days MRM

Learning from Motivation Video

We are all Self Made. 

All of us are products of our own choices.

I must take Better actions.

There is nothing wrong with Self Development

Decide, Learn  How, Commit, Set Goals

and Take Consistent Actions.


Early morning, Be calm, Be composed,

Just focus on your breath

Inhale, Hold your Breath and Exhale.

Remain Solitude, Remain in Peace.



Praying to God and Universe 

to give a lot of strength, abundance,

health, wealth, success to all the 

Farmers, Doctors, Soldiers, 

Second GOD (Parents), Beautiful Family, 

Angels in your Life, Teachers, Mentors, Gurus,

finally to yourself.


Be grateful for all the things 

that you have in your life 

starting from childhood to till now

The day you born, 

The day you start crawling, walking, 

speaking, learning alphabets, 

you might be good in arts, painting, 

you might have received awards, recognitions 

Its a Journey. Go ahead, 

start writing all the things you are grateful for.


Visualize you and all your family members united

and feel light of Love, abundance falling on to you and 

each and every corner of your home.


Drop your EGO, just say I FORGIVE YOU to yourself.

Health Test Analysis

1st test - SPOT JOGGING
- Jump with knees and elbows for 3 mins

2nd test - 
Do pushups with leg knees, chest
 touching the ground for 1 min.

3rd Test - WALL SIT 
- Touch to the wall and make your legs in 90 degrees 
as shown below for 1 minute
4th test - TOE TOUCH
- Stretch your hands and try to touch your feet
with keeping knees straight for 10 seconds.


Identify your Fitness Ladder

Inculcate Healthy Habits everyday.

Change your state, Be Consistent, 
If you are interested to take 28 days challenge
GO ahead and click here


Thank You so much Amol Sir for 
enlightening Health with the help of 
Fitness Coach. Siddharth Rege,


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