Learnings from MRM - Day 32 of 90 Days Challenge - session 1 - Setting your Foundation

Repetition is the Mother of Success.  

The stages of psychological Development

Survival - Satisfying your physical needs by learning how to stay alive, keep fit and healthy, 
Conforming - Keeping safe of the family,
Differentiating - Finding ways to be best
Individuating - Letting go of the aspects of your personal and cultural positioning
Self Actualising - Finding your purpose, Leading a values-driven Life
Integrating - Aligning with others who share your values 
Serving - Fulfilling your destiny by leaving a legacy 
and using your gifts in service to the world.

Level of Consciousness by Dr. David Hawkins

Don't wear Failure Uniform

Actions impacts than motivation words.
Empty your cup.
When you are doing office work., 
Focus on office work.
Feeling comfortable is Bad.
The Past does not equals to Future.
Visualize the Emotional Journey of 
Creating anything Great

Me BACK THEN vs Me Required to achieve dreams
Personality Identity crisis
Make two columns and write about 
your current situation and your Desired outfit
as well write in detail about the GAP between them.

Initial Doubts won't work.
chase your Inner voices

Alchemy of Self
Understand your current character, 
Burn it, Create a new Self Character

What is The ALCHEMY of SELF
Transformation of Base Metals into GOLD.
Transformation of Current Situation to Desired Situation.

Burn the current character,  
PIN IT DOWN AND what it is.
I want to transform 100 Billions of Lives 
MIND wants you to be safe and take no risk.

IF you live your Years without clear intent
then you will become part of somebody else's Intent.

7 D commitment to achieve your dream life 
Dream Life Worksheet (Powerful 7 Questions)
Write this 7 D of your Dream Life everyday 
as discussed and introspect in detail.

Do 50 Jumping Jacks and boost your energy

State management
Dance like a Kid and come into beautiful State of Mind
Spread your Love & COMPASSION
Love you zindagi

Anapana Meditation
Gain the FOCUS by 10 mins Anapana Meditation
given by Sri Acharya Satyanarayana Goenka
through Vipassana Meditation

Complete 16Personalities Test and 
Identify your current Character 
using character worksheet 
(Powerful 19 Questions)

Design your new Character 
using New character worksheet 
(Powerful 14 Questions)

Discuss with your closed ones 
or with your family the same
and get your work reviewed.

Finally, Nothing is Failure.
Take Massive Actions.
Be willing to do whatever it takes.
Never complain or blame anyone.
Be Resourceful.

Thank You So much Amol Sir
for giving such a long and deep introspection.


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