Learnings from mrm - day 39 of 90 days challenge

Learning from Today motivation video

Focus on your breath for 2 mins.

Pray to God and pray to universe to give lot of strength, abundance, happiness, wisdom, great health and success to all the farmers, doctors, Indian army, parents, family, teachers, gurus, Mentors, and finally to yourself.
Commit to God, commit to universe
You are 100% committed to take massive actions.

Be thankful and Be grateful for all the things that you have in your life.
Your parents, family, basic necessities like food, shelter, clothes, job, salary, money in your bank account, bike car, mobile, laptop, bed where you sleep, dining table where you and your family eat together, and all the moments of your life starting from childhood.

Aha moment of the day

success is neither magical nor mysterious.  
Success is the natural consequence of consistency applying basic fundamentals.
The King of transformation
 is all about consistency.
what's done consistently produce results.
consistency game of transformation.

State Management

Do 100 jumping Jacks in two sets

Do 5 Surya namaskar and 5 pushups

Relax yourself by dancing like a kid.

I am the legend
Love you zindagi

Self Love
Take your beautiful name and 
keep saying I Love You.
 propose yourself

Anapana meditation

Goal Writing
Write your goal in the same format 
And be consistent in taking actions.

Installation of Powerful belief into subconscious mind

Change happen in matter of minutes I create and drive change by my will.

All my needs are met and my goals are manifested by the blessings of God and universe.

Thank you so much Amol sir
For bringing results through consistency
To know more about Amol Sir, click here


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