Learnings from MRM - Day 57 of 90 Days Challenge

Learning From Motivation Video

Prestart Video


Pray for farmers, doctors, health care workers, 

parents, family, teachers, gurus, angels that God has gifted you. 

And finally pray for yourself. 

Commit to God. 

commit to Universe. 

You are going to think positive, talk positive 

Have a sip of water 💧.


Be thankful and Be grateful for your new day, new Life, 

parents, Each and every person from your family, 

angels who changed your mindset, habits and thinking, 

all the things in your Home, food, shelter, clothes, 

bed, dining table, Mobile, laptop, car, bike, job, 

your perfect health, each and every body part, 

and all the life memories. Forgive others, 

Don't carry negative baggage for long time.

Take the Person Name, and say I FORGIVE YOU.

Remember Life is like an ECG. You need to balanced.

say to yourself, I am Imperfect, that's Perfectly perfect.


State Management

Do exercise of 200 jumping jacks, dance, say I am the legend, I am born to win, and love you zindagi


Mirror Affirmations

I love myself, I am freaking awesome,  I am fearless and powerful, I am world class,  I am always smiling, healthy, energetic, fit and active

I am the Best.


Self Love

Propose yourself and write down a beautiful love letter


Goal Writing

Write down your goal in the same format

Read the book 

Eat that Frog

to overcome Procrastination

Carry a Pocket Dairy to note down all the negative thoughts.

Powerful Belief Installation into subconscious Mind



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