Learnings from MRM - 04th April 2022


Learning from Motivation Video
Prestart Video
Focus on your breath, inhale from your nose, 
hold your breath,
and exhale from your mouth.

Pray to God and Universe to give farmers, doctors, 
our Indian army, parents, family,  teachers, gurus, mentors, 
and finally pray for yourself.

Commit to GOD, Commit to Universe.
You are going to take 100% responsibility of your life.
State Management
Do 200 Jumping Jacks in One Go

say yourself, I am the Legend
Love Yourself - Love You Zindagi

Goal Writing

Money affirmations
I am an Excellent Money Manager.
I always Pay myself First.
I put my money into my FFA fund Every day.
My Money works hard for me and makes me more and more money
I earn enough passive income to pay for my desired lifestyle.
I am Financial Free,
I work because I choose to Not because I have to
My Part time business is managing and investing my money to earn it more

Training Mind towards Abundance

I Create My Life. I create the exact amount of my Financial Success.
I play the Money game to win. My Intention is to create Wealth and Abundance.
I admire and Model rich and successful people
I believe Money is important, Money is Freedom, and Money make life more enjoyable
I get rich doing what I love
I  deserve to be rich because I add values to other people life
I am generous giver and an excellent receiver
I am truly grateful for all the money I have now
Lucrative opportunities always comes my way
My capacity to earn, to hold and grow money expands day by day

Its a Celebration Time

Respect to our country
Recite National Anthem
by keeping hands on your heart.

Thank You so much Amol Sir
for filling celebrations in early Monday.


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