Learnings from MRM - 18th April 2022

 Don't let the past destroy your future.

Let's boost our Monday morning with lot of energy

Focus on your breathe for 2-3 minutes.

Take a deep breathe inhale from your nose, hold your breathe for 10 seconds and exhale from your mouth


Pray for all wonderful soul for delivering to the society

Farmers who helped us to eat food

Doctor, Healthcare workers

Soldiers or army or central government employees

Pray to God to bless them and their family

Pray for your mother, father visualizing the struggles They faced.

Pray for each and every person in your family

Send them your blessings and love

Let us Pray for the angels that God has send like friends, family members   etc. Who transformed and impacted your life.

Now Pray for yourself

Commit to God and commit to universe:

I am so happy and grateful that my goal of ........... has been easily by manifested by ............... with the grace of God. Se be it  so be it  so be it. Thank you thank you thank you.


Thank you so much God God thank you so much universe for giving me a beautiful day to progress myself and work on my goals

Thank you thank you thank you.

Thank you so much God and universe for giving me my mother and father

Whatever I am today it is all because of them.

My mother and my father gone through lots of challenges pains struggles but they dint give up. I just want to acquire never give up attitude from my mother and father.

Thanks you so much God for giving me beautiful parents.

I love you mom I love you dad.

Visualize your parents and take their blessings and thank them.

Thank you so much God and universe for giving me beautiful brothers sisters neighbour's relatives my life partner and all the kids that I spend my quality time with. Thank you thank you thank you

Thanks you so much God and universe for providing me food to eat everyday, the shelter where I stay, the clothes that I wear everyday, the water that I drink everyday, the air that I breathe everyday, all the basic necessity of my life.

Thank you thank you thank you!!

Thank you so much God, thank you so much universe for all the basic necessities and luxuries in my home which makes me comfortable.

Thank you thank you thank you.

Thank you so much God and universe for giving me awareness and consciousness which enables me to see this beautiful world to hear the beautiful sounds, to smell the fragrances, to talk effectively, to walk confidently, to work efficiently, to eat and digest the delicious food.

Touch your body parts and appreciate them. Observe your body and vibrations of your body for 20 seconds after appreciating your body.

Thank you so much God and universe for making me healthy, energetic, fit and active with the help of all internal mechanisms of my body.

Thank you thank you thank you!

Remember your childhood till this date and be grateful for every incident and situation.

I am imperfect and that is perfectly perfect.

I am ready for failing fast and differently!!

Thank you thank you thank you..

Forgive the person whose thoughts bother you.

Forgive yourself!!

Write al the things/people you are grateful for in the gratitude general .


Do 100 jumping jacks

Powerful belief installation:

I am the legend I am born to win.

Yes, yes, yes!!

Spread both of your hand and feel the love of your life.


Self love

Imagine you have a beautiful red rose with you and you are going to propose yourself.

Take your beautiful name and say to yourself I love you!!

Keep both your hands on your heart and say to yourself I love you!!

Kiss your hands and take your beautiful name and keep repeating I love you

Hug yourself and take your beautiful name and keep repeating I love you

Whatever you want to speak to yourself speak it out do not bother log kya kahenge!!

Take your beautiful name and keep repeating I love you.

Give yourself flying kiss and take your beautiful name and keep repeating I love you

Appreciate yourself:

Yes yes yes yes yes

I love myself

I am the greatest

I am freaking awesome

I am fearless and powerful

I am always smiling, healthy, energetic, fit and active

I am world class

I am always truthful, positive and helping others.

I can do anything through God and universe who strengthen me.

I am the best

I am a champion

Close your eyes and remember all the greatest achievements of your life, all the strength God has gifted you.

Write your self love journal:

Have a lively smile while writing a love letter to the love of your life that is yourself..

Write down your goal writing and schedule for the day

Anapana meditation for 10 minutes- focus on your breathe and say to yourself I will complete the meditation with laser focus.

Say to yourself I am laser focused.

Be happy, be happy  be happy

Observe the vibrations of your body after meditation.

Powerful belief installation

Every day in every way I am getting better, better and better.

Change happens in matter of minutes .

I create and drive change by my will.

With every breath, I inhale abundance  love, happiness, health, healing, joy, and light of God.

God's light is filling my body and my whole life now.

Every cell, tissue, nerve, organs, Chakras and system of my body is getting whole and healthy

My body is getting restored of perfect health now, now, now.

The past does not equals future.

Miraculous changes are happening in my life with God's priceless blessings.

Failure is never final.

I always carry the power to transform any situation.

My mind and my body is my servant.

As I intend  they must follow.

Every situation contains God's blessings

I experience it when I look over it.

Happiness needs no reason and I am happy without any reason.

My intentions, thoughts, emotions and actions creates my ife and my destiny.

I am here to serve God, to serve nature and to serve everyone else in the world by unleashing my greatness and genius now.

With God's blessing, my income and my wealth is increasing multiform miraculously and is manifesting in my life from multiple and proper channels.


I am a soul.

I am an unstoppable force of nature.

I am not my body, I am not my mind, I am not my fears, I am not my past, I am a soul.

I am creating my life by my choice now.

I love money and money loves me.

I am a multi millionaire money magnet.

Money flows in my life like a river, rains like a waterfall.

Everyday in every way avalanches of health, wealth, healing, energy, wisdom, power, happiness flows in my life from all directions.

All my needs are met and all my goals are fulfilled by the blessing of God.

I am one with God and God is one with me.

This is the truth.

So be it, so be it, so be it!

Thank you, thank you, thank you !!

Visualize your whole day.

Think what is that one task which you want to complete by morning ie by 12pm

Think what is that one task which you want to complete by evening ie by 5pm

Think what is that one task which you want to complete by night ie by 9pm

Think what is that one task which you want to complete before going to sleep


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