
Showing posts from April, 2021

Learnings from MRM - 30th April, 2021

Learning Takeaways from Today's MRM Session 1) Honest Reflection of Month Start - New thing that you want to do for the entire Month of May Continue - MRM Consistency + listening to Strangest Secret 🗝️ everyday+ Book Reading Stop - one thing that you must stop which was carried from April Month Procrastination, laziness, Unhealthy Food, Social Media Distraction. 2) Identify the money value Using Time allocation, time is energy and time is money concepts discussed on last Sunday session. Current Value - Rs. 400/- per Hour Desired Value - Rs.1400/- per Hour 3) Identify your Current Score in all 7 Key spokes of Life. And your desired score in all 7 key spokes of life. If you want more clarity on 7 key spokes, Go ahead and read the book Born to Win or analyse yourself with ratings by zig ziglar.  4) plan your DOTFW and DOTFS Do one thing for one week 5) we have four sprints 1-9 - focus on one spoke 10-16 - focus on 2 spokes 17-23 - focus on 3 spokes 24-3

Learnings from MRM - 29th April, 2021

Learning Takeaways from Today's MRM Session 1) If you don't take actions, you will be broke. 2) Pray to God and Universe for all the Amazing Legends who serve our Nation ( Doctors, Soldiers, Farmers, Parents, Siblings, soulmate or life Partner, at last Yourself) The More you pray for others the more Blessings you receive from God and Universe. We are planning for Charity as part of community. Will share the details soon. 3) Positive Words experienced in Today Session confident, Josh, Shaken, Amazing, Fab, Afresh, Jakkas, Blissful, Dazzling, Dilkhush, Pleasant, Recharged, Happy, Loving, Winning, Electrified, Feel Good, Full of Energy 4) Learning from Think and Grow Rich Sharing Have a Definitiness of Purpose BURNING 🔥 Desire 6 steps of making your dream to reality 1) Fix Target amount of money 2) what is your Return for Money 3) Fix a Deadline 4) Create a Plan for Goal 5) Write a concise statement and Read it Aloud again and again atleast twice a Day 6) Believe Yourself that yo

Learnings from MRM - 28th April 2021

Learning Takeaways from Today's MRM Session 1) Have Water in the early morning and Visualize a sip of Water is healing all Your Negative Emotions. 2) Energy Boosting Exercise Challenge 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 200 Jumping Jack's with Visualization in between. Amazing Morning DJ Medley Dance Exercises 3) Learning from Fearless motivation LIVE like a Lion Take 💯% Responsibility and Take Ownership Live for purpose, Have Certainty Never Give Up, Stick to Goals and Values Feel the Freedom and Protective 4) ALL Positive Words experienced in Today Session Charged, Peak, Cherishing, Roaring, Energetic, awesome, incredible, electric, determined, elevated, Focused, cheerful, calm, passionate, Happy, lovely, fearless, blessed, Achiever, vibrant Energy, Peaceful , wonderful, Wow, great, enlightened, Confident, Abundance, addictive. 5) Feel as if today is your Last day  And You must do Your DOTFS (Do one thing for sure) at any cost. Do with Certainty while doing Incantations and powerful Beli

Amol Learnings - 28th April 2021

Think about  1)How to set goals  2) Developing your WHY and developing your MISSION STATEMENT 3) Make a plan and Develop Action steps to achieve your Goals and dreams  After the session, there would be Q & A round.  You can ask me any questions related to your goal. I would try my best to answer all the questions  Comment ME, if you want to review the lessons. To know more about Amol Sir, Click Here Here is the link for FB Pvt Group

Learnings from MRM - 27th April 2021

Learning Takeaways from Today's MRM Sess7ion 1) Spend Your Quality Time with Your parents Bring Lot of Positivity, Energy through Affirmations in your Home. 2) Do Affirmations Before You go to Bed,  and see the magic ✨ of energy that you have in Early Morning. 3) Have Self Talk with all Positive Words to yourself I am Born to Win I am ready to achieve My DOTFS. I have overcome Covid-19 with my immunity I am Healthy, Energetic, fit and Active.   4) Visualize Yourself about your entire day (Time Table) And take Actions 5) To Achieve Your Goal You need to have  90% Mindset+10% Skills and 100% Massive Actions  Actions without Goals  or   Goals without Actions will leads to your Failure. 6) Learning from Fearless Motivation Hardwork Beats Talent Hardwork Never Lies Take all the Baby Steps that you can take on your Goal. Thank You so much Amol Sir  for bringing Enthusiasm in our Lives  through All the Affirmations and Self Love in MRM. 💗💐🎊🎉💟 To know more about Amol Sir, Click Here

Learnings from MRM - 26th April, 2021

1) Honest Reflection Stop - 1 habit that I want to stop it from the past week and will never repeat it again. Start - 1 habit that I want to start newly in this week Continue - what are the things that I must continue the same from the past week to current week. 2) whenever You are going to negative situation or tough time, replace your mind by changing the state of Mind and filling it with all the Positive Words. 3) Think about one goal that you want to achieve before 31st May 2021 and Visualize all the tasks towards your goal  Don't Miss the DotFS - Do one Thing for Sure for achieving Your Goal. 4) Be Grateful and Thankful to your Sweet Home and Sweet Family, and Remember all Beautiful Things that happened in your Life. 5) Celebration Time : Celebrate Yourself as if you have achieved your Goal already. Happy Birthday 🎉🎁🎈💐🎆✨💞💝💓🎊 To You Gantavya Darbari Sir And Mital Doshi Ma'am.  Have a Great Success and Rising Future Ahead. Congratulations to You Amol Sir for Becomin

Amol Sir Learnings

Do you have big dreams & want to succeed in your life? We all want to, But sad reality is we all - End up struggling in achieving financial stability - Work day & night but not able to achieve our desired result - End up Living a stressful & confused life - Want to stand out of the crowd but don’t know how? I can connect with you, I was going through all of these struggle.... When I started my journey of helping people through webinars/workshop my closing started from 0% to 5% to 10% to15% to 20% and I was stuck between 10-20% for a long time I had a perception that might be my product is not good but I was wrong as my product was helping people to transform their life to Version 2.0 It's about you working on YOURSELF , YOUR OFFER & YOUR STRATEGY  When I started analyzing things, I realized, closing people was my challenge.. Since last 2 weeks, I started working hard on my closing, and finally, my  closing percentage went to 30%🏆 I have attached a small snapshot of

Learnings from Sunday 11 AM Learnings - 25th April 2021

Time Management Session 1) Time Allocation author of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Stephen R. Covey  suggested in his book as Segregate your tasks into 4 parts Urgent  - Yes or No Important- Yes or No List down all your daily activities Allocate your time and identify which task has high urgency and high Importance. Do them Right Away. Allocate time as it must fulfill all 7 key spokes of Life. Personal, Mental, Spiritual, Physical, Family, Career, and Financial 2) Time is Energy Physical :-  Quality of Sleep What you Eat, When You Eat Exercise Emotional :- SELF confidence Self control Are you emotional Stable? Mental :- What I talk to myself, self Talk Writing Self Love Letter 💌 Spiritual :- Honest Authentic Commitment Meditation Values Why? Purpose of Life.? 3) Time is 💰 Money Magic Number Every one is blessed with Rs. 86400 in terms of Seconds in a day. How you use it will define your success. If you want to earn Rs. 1Cr per year Spending 8 Hours a Day You need to impact va

Learnings from the MRM - 24th April, 2021

Learning Takeaways from Today's MRM Session 1) Learning from Fearless motivation *Rajes Pramanik* rock bottom is only way people changes nothing will get better if I don't get better *Anish Desai* Declare that my standard is higher and I am not going to like this situation and am going to do something to change it for better.Feel disgusted with present situation *HarshaVardhan* Change is MUST to become  success. If you can’t change nothing can become better. *Sarthak Arora* Change happens in matter of minutes if you want to Life becomes better when we create changes People come in comfort zone by getting satisfied and don't change their life *Rita Lalan* change your unhappy area Now.... *Murari Kumar* change has a reason *Srikanth* change comes when you hit rock bottom *Bhavika* change is must , it won't happen unless u do *Gaurav Ajjotikar* Change for yourself, change for your loved ones *Hemlata Sharma* change comes from yours and your courage can only brings it. *Dip

Learnings from MRM - 23rd April 2021

Learning Takeaways from Today's MRM Session 1) progressive 💫 Exercises with regularity Boost self energy. 50 JJ + 💯 JJ + 200 JJ + 10 SN + 10 Push-ups. 2) what the mind can conceive and believe  it can achieve - Gantavya Darbari Sir 3) Pray to God and Universe for all of our family members, community to give them lot of  Health, Energy, wisdom, power, creativity for those who are going through their tough time. 4)Have a self talk with you and say to yourself I am Born to Win I make my parents Proud of me I make my spouse and children Proud of me. I am Unafraid.  I am 💯% committed  achieving my DOTFS Today. I am the most important soul in the 🌎 World. I have Huge Potential in me. 5) Feel that you have achieved all your monthly goals and overcome all your fears. Celebrate Yourself and feel like a achiever. 6) Remember God and Universe giving you lot of Struggles, Challenges and failures in your life to Transform You and to Make you Better Version of Yourself. 8) Be Grateful That Y

Learnings from the MRM - 22nd April 2021

Learning Takeaways from Today's MRM Session 1) This Sunday we will have 11 AM Learning about Time Management 2) Learning from Fearless motivation *Sarthak Arora* So much Similar to strangest secret There is huge difference between what we say and what we do Self Push is very important in life We are Legend, We are champion *Sanchita Goyal* We become successful by doing *Tina Ashok Dhingra* Champions says nothing is impossible *Jitendra Tyagi* WORK WORK UNTIL YOU DONT WIN *Hemlata Sharma* successful people don't talk, they do *Rita Lalan* I can ,will job done nothing is impossible *Rajes Pramanik* champion Says I can, I will, job done *Anish desai* Instead of  merelytalking,work for your goal *Debanjan* I am champion *Baiju k Balan* champions never give up *Ekta* walk your talk *Nini nanda* CWE SHOULD HAVE CHAMPION MIND SET 3) Money Management Amol Sir received a debt payment which was given to his friend about cryptocurrency.  What You Give with the right Intentions will come

Learnings from the MRM - 21st April 2021

Learning Takeaways from Today's MRM Session 1) Pray to God and Universe for giving strength to all families who are going on with their tough time due to this Covid-19 pandemic time. 2) Learning from Fearless motivation. *Hemlata Sharma* keep on trying, don't stop plant seed-believe-get *Rita Lalan* No one can stop you to change yourself *Chetna* - Never stop *Srikanth* - no pain no gain  *Sarthak Arora* - Unstoppable Push and move forward9 *Nini nanda* HAVING FAITH IS TOUGH *Jitendra Tyagi* PLANT YOUR SEED IN YOUR MIND *Rajes Pramanik* there is no one who can stop you *Ritu Bhardwaj* keep trying continously, Noone can stop you 3) We are working on Internal. The more we Grow internal, the more we become stronger. 4) Be Thankful To God and Universe for New Day, New Life, for all the things that we have in our life. Shelter, Food to eat, Bed to Sleep,  5) Complete DOTFS at any cost and feel proud of yourself before you sleep. 6) Try to complete first chapter of Think and Grow Ric